Welcome To Your Next Level Leadership Growth With The 'Leadership Edge Technologies'

The Popular 'Leadership Edge Club' Monthly Membership is Currently Full.

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The Leadership Edge Is All About Resiliency

Watch our founder James Paul give you the latest update on membership below, but first read his short story...

James Paul was a successful coach who was at the peak of his career working with some of the most successful business owners on the planet when he had a debilitating stroke in his left frontal brain. It was so bad he couldn't walk, talk, or eat for almost 1 year. He lost virtually all his clients during this time and with that his 7-figure coaching practice. During this time he used some of his leadership edge visualization techniques to bring function back into his arm, learn to speak in record time, and walk again in record time too... the physical therapists were astonished at his rapid improvement. He went on to build a successful monthly club that is more successful than ever before. This shows you the power of the techniques, strategies, and tools. It can take any executive to the next level. Imagine what they can do for you without such a debilitating issue like a stroke to overcome. The techniques, tips, strategies, and tools you'll learn will equip you for any situation you face in the workplace or leadership environment to have more success, win more, and go from good to great.  

"I still speak with a slight slur at times, but most people who had what I had never speak again. Leadership isn't just about being on top - it's getting knocked down and getting back up again. It's about being resilient no matter what happens. I'll help you win more, stay on top - but if you get knocked down, which life sometimes does, you'll be empowered to rise up greater and better than ever before." - James Paul, Leadership Edge Founder & Resiliency Expert

We Are The Only Membership For Small & Medium Sized Businesses With Hundreds Of Monthly Members Specializing In The Leadership Edge Technologies - Giving Your Company Unstoppable Resiliency & Competitive Edge


"Our company recently underwent a huge shift in management—I'm so grateful the Leadership Edge Monthly Training allowed me to rise to the occasion and come out on top, instead of what I might have done in the past and sunk in the mud and stayed there like a pig. Now I have a positive lifeforce in me that is really an edge.

-Mark White - Leadership Edge Member

"The Leadership Edge Membership has helped us stay motivated, improve our leadership and I believe that even allowed us to move into 3 new markets, and our international expansion is proceeding faster than we could’ve dreamed. It wasn't all attributed to the leadership edge monthly training, but that's like saying the engine doesn't make the car roll down the road. I've found the quick monthly training essential and motivational. Helsp a lot. I'll be staying on for life."

-Kelly Johnson - Leadership Edge Member

"Leadership Edge and the good insights gained overtime has massively improved my leadership skills, and how I go about business and life."

-Dean Martin - Leadership Edge Member